GlobalNet is a telecommunications company providing backbone services in Europe and Asia.
The data exchange process cannot be touched, felt, put in the warehouse. In order to establish communication between GlobalNet and its customers in a digital environment, we had to meet a visual challenge: show graphically the services and what the telecom company does.
Special Kudos. Best Innovation. UI design. UX design.
Honorable Mention
2nd place. Best website for business (b2b)
3rd place. Information Technology
3rd place. Services for business
Visual metaphor
We were looking for a visual metaphor that would accurately reflect the company’s activities. The cube became it.
The new symbol, its features and geometry reveal the very essence of the company’s work and complement the brand identity.
Reliability and stability of the cube represents the quality of communication channels, which the operator provides to its clients. But at the same time the figure is dynamic, versatile and unites smaller cubes — services. They interact with each other and are in constant motion, like terabytes of particles in a backbone network.
3D models
We interpreted the company’s services through 3D compositions. They use graphics and animations to show the interaction scenario between the contractor — GlobalNet — and the customer, data transmission and information protection.
A fresh design, based on the chosen visual concept, integrates all 3D compositions and creates a unified system.
GlobalNet is a reliable and responsible service provider offering the best results in the industry.
The new website translates these qualities and captures the heart of the company’s services, establishing the necessary connection with customers in digital. The website’s navigation and page structure are designed to help the user understand easily the brand’s complex product.
To show the coverage area of the operator’s networks, we introduced a map. On it, the company’s customers can view the speed of traffic transmission between regions and cities online.