Landing pages for NPF Otkritie
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Landing pages for NPF Otkritie

Otkritie — NDA project.

Irina Limitovskaya

director for marketing and customer service — director of the marketing department

Otkritie Non-State Pension Fund expresses its gratitude to the team of Only LLC for fruitful cooperation in the implementation of a special marketing project of the Fund.

Irina Limitovskaya

director for marketing and customer service — director of the marketing department

Otkritie Non-State Pension Fund expresses its gratitude to the team of Only LLC for fruitful cooperation in the implementation of a special marketing project of the Fund.

NPF Otkritie is a large pension fund that provides pension services for private and corporate clients.

Our task was to develop several promotional landing pages introducing the fund’s activities, its pension programs and services.