EXC Graphic Design
Design of catalogues, marketing materials and printed materials for a manufacturer of electrical equipment
The EXC company is the largest Russian developer and manufacturer of modern electrical equipment. The company’s products are successfully used in mines, factories, factories and civil facilities.

An initial analysis of the company’s existing printed publications made it clear that the equipment is divided into 2 types — general industrial and mining. For a clearer identification, different color coding of the covers was used. In addition to color identification, catalogs contain an introductory section dedicated to the type of equipment.

Catalogs are filled with information of various kinds: diagrams, photographs, formulas and tables. The task of designing and working with the text was the organic combination of all these heterogeneous elements.

The catalogs include tear-off forms for ordering equipment.

Historically, some of the company’s catalogs had a horizontal orientation, some had a vertical orientation; the current layout inherited this feature from earlier versions.

Not all catalogs had extensive text content. A small amount of text in some sections had to be somehow graphically beaten, so a somewhat informal layout style was born, which subsequently had to be implemented for more text-rich catalogs.

In addition to the catalogues of equipment, a corporate presentation was made containing detailed information about the company’s activities, its structure and main manufacturing plants, geography of work, main types of equipment, large objects sold, as well as service and maintenance.
The presentation has 2 versions: a detailed printed version used at exhibitions, and an electronic version with a stripped-down content intended for sending by e-mail. Both versions of the presentation have been translated into English and Spanish.

For ease of use and transportation, all printed materials are combined into a common folder with a pattern of branded photos.